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The How?

The Stages that must be preformed to change Otwock for the better.


A series of events and participation methods to keep the residents engaged with the construction the entire way through.

Short Term - New Identity of the City

1. Hide railway underground re-route all train communication and take existing railway apart.

Landscape the terrain and reinforce the base of train station.

Build a tunnel and new rail tracks underground.

Build a new level underneath old train station for its original purpose.

Renovate the existing building levels for services and cultural function.

2. Landscape the land for recreation function Level the terrain. Sow the grass, plant trees and greenery.

Install recreation development (benches, playgrounds, pavilions etc.).

3. Introduce new paths Introduce new paths connecting Jana Pawła II and Górna street. Connect the two parts of Otwock.

Mid Term - New Urban Tissue

1. Public participation

Create an accesible method for citizens to signal their problems and ideas. Create an unique annual festival for families and tourists.

2. Create plans for urban layout

Make plans for new streets.

Re-route old streets if needed.

Create sidewalks and bicycle paths along the streets.

3. Buildings

Demolish some of the existing buildings.

Build new service and office buildings & renovate ones with a potential.

4. Services and government functions

Relocate government functions from outskirts of the city to the centre.

Encourage local entrepreneurs to move their businesses to the centre.

5. Create a „Swidermajer tour path”

Long Term - Make Otwock Great Again

1. Essentials of Otwock

Create functional connections between landmarks.

2. Environment quality

Decrease the air pollution level.

Introduce renewable energy sources for citizens.

Create green powerplants.

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